Ainsley Ma
Riding Instructor
Ainsley grew up riding in the Southlands community and has loved horses for as long as she can remember. She learned to ride on the Maynard’s school horses and gradually worked her way through the ranks to instructor. Her favourite horse-related experience was getting to be there to watch Canadian show jumper Eric Lamaze won gold at the 2008 Olympics with his horse Hickstead. She also enjoys traveling (35 countries and counting!), puppies, and exploring the great outdoors.
Ainsley grew up riding in the Southlands community and has loved horses for as long as she can remember. She learned to ride on the Maynard’s school horses and gradually worked her way through the ranks to instructor. Her favourite horse-related experience was getting to be there to watch Canadian show jumper Eric Lamaze won gold at the 2008 Olympics with his horse Hickstead. She also enjoys traveling (35 countries and counting!), puppies, and exploring the great outdoors.
