Riding Instructor
Ainsley grew up riding in the Southlands community and has loved horses for as long as she can remember. She learned to ride on the Maynard’s school horses and gradually worked her way through the ranks to instructor. Her favourite horse-related experience was getting to be there to watch Canadian show jumper Eric Lamaze won gold at the 2008 Olympics with his horse Hickstead. She also enjoys traveling (35 countries and counting!), puppies, and exploring the great outdoors.
Riding Instructor
Katie grew up and around the Maynard family, she trained with Rick and did pony club at the Maynards every Friday and even used to babysit Farmer Jordan. Katie not only teaches lessons here but is also a leatherworker and repurposer, and rescues ferrets and other animals. You can often see her followed by her retriever puppy Tyco. -
Owner, Advanced Riding Instructor
Coach to the Vancouver Police Department Mounted Squad, Olympic Horse Riding Coach for Modern Pentathlon, elite show jumper and coach of 50 years, Rick has produced top riding athletes in the sport including Brian Morton and Tik Maynard. Rick was short listed for the Olympics in 1972 and is an EC Competition Coach Specialist.
M. Sc. Wildlife and Range Management
NCCP Competition Coach
Olympic Team Coach ( London and Rio Modern Pentathlon)
Trainer for the Vancouver City Police Mounted Squad
First Aid -
Gardener, Farm Educator
Alex is a member of the Vancouver Master Gardeners, a Butterfly Ranger for the David Suzuki Foundation and an avid vegetable gardener and artist with an interest in ecology and love for wildlife. Alex grew up on an organic farm in the West Kootenays and has worked in horticulture for the past ten years. He’s taught ESL in Taiwan and has learned from permaculture farms and botanical gardens around the world from South Africa to Mexico and Indonesia.
Riding Program Manager
Tasha has been part of the Southlands Scene since age 12. She is mother to Justin (indifferent to horses) & Callie (obsessed with horses!) She is a true animal lover and never hesitates to jump in with a helping hand for the messy jobs! Her husband Telf was born across the road from the farm and has lived in Southlands all his life. -
Connie tends to all the horses feet in the barn! She makes sure they are all sound and happy. A Farrier is a blacksmith specially trained to shoe horses. It is a very tough job. Did you know that 85% of the students in farrier school today are women? (In 1965 there were zero) Connie has also taken it upon herself to look after our retired ponies and give them the best possible quality of life before it is time for them to go to the greener pastures in the sky. She has loved so many... Kiwi, Katana, Sierra, Nikita, Splash, Towhee, .... and all had better lives because of Connie. -
Jen has an extensive dressage background, both competing and judging at FEI levels. She is proud of her role in creating the STARS programme, and is passionate about judging para- equestrian competitions. She is always followed everywhere by Ginny her dog. And... she is a proud Grandmother to Justin, Callie, Brooks, Mera & Violet.
FEI 4* Para equestrian Judge
MSc. Ecology and Ethology
Favourite sayings:
If not you, who? If not now, when?
Don't pass it up, pick it up!
Don't hesitate.... innovate!
Jen's 80:20 rule... ask her about it! -
Office Manager
Anke moved to Vancouver in 2015. She loves the outdoors, camping and hiking. Their family rescued a dog from Mexico in 2020 who loves the snow, so they now go snowshoeing in winter a lot. Her daughter loves horses and takes lessons at the Farm -
Farm Educator
Farm Educator
Johnny works full time at the Southlands Farm Outdoor School, and running our Farm Kids' Club.
He trained at the University of East London in the United Kingdom. His distinction degree included dramatic training, applied theatre, performance-based knowledge and theatre in education.
His University programme allowed him to work with the prestigious TIE company, London Bubble, which utilised drama as a medium for education to children who had difficulties grasping English reading and writing or who has English as a second language. From that he gained a great number of techniques and teaching methods which he continues to implement in his teaching today.
After University, Johnny trained at the London acting school East 15 to receive his Master of fine arts degree. Johnny also continued TIE after University with the UK touring drama company, Flying Pizza, which brought classic children’s stories to life through dramatic performance and succeeded in getting young children interested and engaged with reading and story-telling.
Along with acting and drama, Johnny is a trained Lifeguard, earning a UK National Pool Lifeguard Qualification in 2018 which including such knowledge as CPR, First Aid and Pool-side safety.
Farm Educator
Liv has been part of the Southlands community since she was 8 years old. She works children’s birthday parties, the pumpkin patch and odd jobs around the farm. She loves working with the kids, sharing her knowledge of the outdoors with her community and scratching the goats. -
Farm Factotum
Allan’s responsibilities include a range of tasks such as repairing equipment, maintaining the farm infrastructure, assisting with animal care, administration support, farm tours, planting and harvesting of crops, tending the seasonal farmers market, and works alongside other farmhands to ensure our operations run efficiently.
When he’s not on the farm Allan is deepening his person through Vipassana meditation, Qigong/Tai Chi martial arts, and music production. Lastly, watch out for dad jokes when you’re least expecting it. -
Farm Educator
She holds B.A. (Hons) in Physical Education & Recreation Management and completed her teaching certificate in Hong Kong.
When she is not teaching outside, she is definitely playing outside! Some of her favorite activities include hiking, camping, sea kayaking, and scuba diving. She always wishes to share joy with others, by creating a conversation from outdoor recreation.
Office & Grounds
Calvin joined the Southlands team in early 2023. They help with a mix of farm maintenance and office work.Originally from Toronto, Calvin moved to Vancouver for a degree in film and creative writing at UBC. They fell in love with the great outdoors here in BC, and decided to stay after graduation. -
Marta began riding with us as a child! When she is not here you can find her at the club with her own horse. She is a jack of all trades and well loved by the kids and all the horses. Best of all, she is quiet and tactful, a huge asset in our "Maynards Madhouse". Marta is loved by all her students and we are pleased to have her as one of our instructors!